Operation Vegetable

Book 2 is due soon - Operation Olympics

Our intrepid band of crinkly boat-dwellers organize an Olympic Games for seniors - with mixed resuts!

Now with 150 ratings on Amazon

'Well written and amusing at times, amongst the serious situation the boaters found themselves in. His way with words comes across both descriptive and detailed. A good flow throughout the book. A really enjoyable read.'

Amazon customer

Deep in the English countryside is an inland marina, home to a group of unlikely characters living on their narrowboats.

Life at Watergrove is carefree until a local land-owner decides he wants to build three luxury houses on the residents vegetable plot.

In an unaccustomed act of decisiveness the boaters decide to form a committee to fight this scourge.

Step forward Judy, a lady of physical substance, fierce determination and jocular disposition, who selflessly elects herself chairwoman.

H.Q. is the local pub and it's here that our ageing boaters raise a creaking battalion.

Judy leads our disparate band into battle, implementing a plan code-named Operation Vegetable, a harebrained scheme of doubtful focus.

The boaters find help from an ageing rock star and a TV Gardening programme. Skirmish follows skirmish until one of the boaters is severely injured and the stakes are raised.

Has the despotic land-owner, a man of few morals, driven by power and greed, finally met his match? Will the boaters look like toothless turnips or can they cajole wobbly bodies, more suited to tea-drinking than physical endeavour, to mount the barricades?

Have the boaters simply lost the plot?

Operation Vegetable was formerly published as 'The Marina'.