Barkers Wood Ceremony

Barkers Wood

Unveiling the plinth

In 1990, my Godmother, Marjorie Barker, gave land to the community on which now stands Barkers Wood.

It was given in memory of her husband Edmund (Teddy) Barker.


Before we all got too old!, I decided a permanent memorial was overdue to commemorate the origins of the wood. Yesterday we unveiled a memorial plinth which thanks the Barkers for their generosity. An act of benevolence like this should not be underestimated – it is a special thing, particularly in these self-centric days of me, me, me. The peace and quiet in this community woodland is in stark contrast to the fraught goings on of recent times and sits proud as a place to be enjoyed by everyone.


Gathered yesterday was a wonderful group of local folk collectively called The Friends of Barkers Wood. Under the enthusiastic leadership of Maria Wolstenholme, they work really hard to develop and maintain the wood as a special place for all.

Mr & Mrs Barker would be so proud that the area has been cherished, and is enjoyed, by so many local people, including schoolchildren.

And dogs of course! Mustn’t forget them - The Barkers of Barkers Wood. Mrs Barker loved her dogs.


From my point of view, the most touching thing about yesterday, and the undoubted highlight, was Maria reading a poem she had written for the occasion. It was such a lovely, thoughtful thing to do. She had also adorned the plinth with some local greenery so we’d have something to officially unveil. I choked up during the poem and never fully recovered. Reproduced below, the words shows the depth of feeling harboured by Maria and all the other ‘Friends of Barkers Wood’.


The magic of the woodland


How did you know

all those years ago

what this woodland would mean

to the hearts and minds of all

who walk through her tall trees

Feeling their embrace

and seeing the lace

of sunlight dappling

Might this be the magic of the wood

shining through

Who would know

what lies in this nurturing place.

So many things

we don’t understand

But here we feel the wings

of angels passing by.

They hold your hand and

calm your soul

Help you feel whole again.

The peace and love

The power of the trees

We will treasure these

your precious gifts.


Thank you Mrs Barker.


Isn’t that lovely?


I should have left it there, but no, I set off on an uncoordinated ramble, only really managing to say one thing that truly mattered, namely:


‘From me and my family, on behalf of Marjorie and Teddy Barker, thank you.’


As a final, thoughtful act, organised by The Friends, we planted a tree to mark the occasion.

It's a very ancient variety called a Small-Leaved Lime or Linden.



If you’d like to understand a little more about the Barker’s involvement with Littleborough and in particular Starring and the wood, there’s a link below to an article recounting some background going back to the 1950s.

Barkers Wood - a background piece

  A few photos of the ceremony and the plinth 


Click on the images to enlarge

A memorial in the wood - thirty years in the making.

The Friends of Barkers Wood

The plinth adorned

Maria reads her poem

Maria and Jo

Planting of the Linden