Net Zero

Net Zero Effect

    The European Parliament has just given the green light for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) on Tuesday (14 March).

    The law would lead to massive renovation costs for millions of homeowners who are already saddled by inflation and falling incomes as green energies and supply woes plague the continent. Where will the money come from?

Renovating older homes to be highly energy efficient means substantial investments in new windows, rooves, insulation, heating systems, which altogether can run well into the tens of thousands of euros per living unit. This would make many buildings and homes “worthless”.

    Here's the article:


    The EU takes steps to forc all homes / buildings to meet crushing energy-efficient standards

    But, where will the money come from? How close is my interpretation?


  • Governments agree to Net Zero.

  • Net Zero is necessary because anthropogenic (‘human-driven) activities’ have increased atmospheric CO2. This is based on ‘settled science’ we’re told, time and time and time again. Settled science against which there can be no argument, zero debate, absolutely no alternate theories. Certainly not in Mainstream media. BUT, look a bit deeper and you’ll find some interesting stuff: Climate and Net Zero


  • ‘Green tech’ companies will develop and build the hardware that will replace fossil fuels (the use and production of which, in many cases, has already been halted, leaving us gasping for fuel).


  • These ‘Green Tech’ companies will be funded by Governments who have ‘made available’ huge funds to search for Net Zero.


  • For ‘Government funds’ read, ultimately, you and me! So, while decision-makers and lavishly funded Green Tech executives get extremely wealthy, Mr Smith on Station Street, Grimsby has to choose between eating and heating.

    ‘It’s all for the greater good, Mr Smith. Let’s be honest, we’ve been stealing the younger generations future for far too long.’

    ‘Can I point out the somebody is stealing my present? What about that?’

    ‘We’re all in this together Mr Smith. We must look to the future.’

    ‘How long have I got? I’m 80. There are well over three million of us over 80. What about them?’

    'Thank you for getting with the programme Mr Smith.'